domingo, 24 de novembro de 2013

[Personagem] Nyanna

Health 30 Endurance 60
Defense 2

• Abilities (+11)
Beautiful +2
Famous +1
Heal +3 Effective 1
Iron-Willed +1
Knowledge +2 (Cooking)
Vigorous +2

• Weakness (-6)
Awkward Size -1 (Big boobies)
Clumsy -1
Fear -2 (Dogs and canine-like beings)
Frail -1
Infamous -1

• Attacks DX 1
Cat Sweep (Physical, Area Effect: Cone 1, Requeriment: huge number of cats in area) Roll 2 DX 1 End 0
Ei! (Physical, Effective 1, Feather Blow) Roll 2 DX 2

terça-feira, 5 de novembro de 2013

[Personagem] Nameless Fox

Nameless Fox
Health 40 Endurance 60
Defense 2

• Abilities (+13)
Evasive +2
Gear +1 (Spirit Spear [Attack +2])
Intimidating +1
Knowledge +2 (Religion)
Knowledge +2 (Divine Shards)
Transformation +3 (Beautiful +2, Combat Expert +1, Arcane Magic +3 (Agile +3, Teleport +2))
Vigorous +2

• Weakness (-6)
Focus -1 (Spirit Spear; Attacks)
Focus -1 (Ofuda; Arcane Magic)
Impulsive -1 (When transformed)
Love Magnet -1 (Both, when transformed)
Overconfident -1
Sensitivity -1 (Animal ears and tail)

• Attacks DX 3
Straight Slash (Physical, Reach, Ineffective) Roll 3 DX 2
Spirit Hookshot Blade (Physical, Ranged, Unique:Hookshot, No Damage) Roll 3 DX 0
Virtual Slash (Spirit, Effective 2, Feather Blow) Roll 3 DX 5